Hi, all! I have updated our Shutterfly account to include pictures of Evan up to 6 weeks. You can view them here.
In the last few weeks, Evan has gone from frequently (shown here at 3 weeks) flashing "gang signs" (we have given him a gangsta name of Barracuda P)...

...to raising his arms in a victorious fist pump (here at 6 weeks)!

He is so silly with his "poses." We especially miss the gang signs. They were adorable.
Today, we started using Huggies size 1 diapers; I think he has outgrown the newborn size. Sadly, he's also just about outgrown most of his newborn clothes. I was at Target the other day and saw the 3 month size of one of his newborn outfits and snatched it up. He's getting so big already! Especially his head, which is giant. I like to think it's his huge brains, but it could just be that he's gotten his daddy's big noggin'. It's anyone's guess. But wow...his poor neck. Heh.
Evan has now started making more eye contact and is just starting to smile occasionally. Such fun! He's sleeping pretty well in his nursery at night (except for the periodic grunts, groans, and squeaks he makes), although he's decided that wake-up time is between 3 and 5 AM. Not such fun for Mommy and Daddy (Mommy's EXHAUSTED)! Oy. We'll have to work on that. But we do have a bedtime routine started that involves feeding in the glider chair while listening to either the Green Day or Metallica lullaby CD, a diaper change, and dressing him in his swaddle sack, which is the infant version of a straightjacket. We sometimes read a story, but it's still mostly lost on him. Entertainment Weekly has the same effect as Goodnight Moon (and you know which I prefer).
He's been really fussy lately and we initially thought it was colic, but have determined it's probably acid reflux. Feeding him upright seems to be helping a bit and he's been better recently. He still hates to be burped, but he enjoys me loudly singing the theme song to The OC while burping. Whatever works. I also changed the lyrics to the chorus of "When the Stars Go Blue":
Where do you go when you're hungry
Where do you go when you poo
Where do you go when you're sleepy
I'll swaddle you
When the stars go blue
When the cows go moo
He really likes me to sing this while feeding, although I usually cheat and sing the actual lyrics. He doesn't know the difference and I don't want to subject myself to kiddie songs much before I have to. ;)
Even during the day, swaddling is very helpful and he usually falls asleep in his bouncer (his favorite thing!) when tightly bundled. Thank goodness we discovered this trick--it's a lifesaver!
People say that "miraculous" and wonderful changes happen between 6 and 8 weeks. I'm not sure what those are quite yet, but in the meantime, it's safe to say that Evan's a keeper! He's cuter by the day.
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