We all had a nice weekend. On Saturday, I had a nice relaxing belated birthday lunch with my friend Val. The day was GORGEOUS in the 70s, so Dave and I took Evan for a walk. He hasn't been liking his car seat/stroller combo lately, so this time we tried him in the stroller without the car seat. Eureka, it worked! He was a much happier baby. Of course, it could have been a fluke, so more testing will be necessary. But we think that Evan prefers to be able to look out and see the world, which might also explain why he hates being held in any way but forward-facing. The boy knows what he likes.
Yesterday was a lazy day, due in part to the 6 inches of snow we received. CO weather is nutty. We did some housework and that sort of mundane stuff. We also attempted to capture Evan's handprints in a plaster kit my friend Tracy sent us, and that was pretty much a hilarious failure. After several tries with his hands, we gave up and did his feet instead. It came out ok, but it was definitely difficult. I think it would have been more successful with a younger Evan.
As usual, Evan was an angel all weekend because Dave was home. Oy. I swear the baby does it purposely; he's fussy all week and perfect on the weekend. I think I'm going to create a giant cardboard cutout of Dave and stand it in the family room. Oh, and maybe record his voice for good measure: "Hi, Evan!," "You're such a good boy!," "Be nice for Mommy!," and that sort of thing. Heh.
I picked up The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems at the Tattered Cover bookstore and started reading it last night. Today I am attempting to implement the E.A.S.Y. system recommended in the book. Generally, it's an eating, activity, and sleeping routine that is supposed to give control back to the parents and promote better sleeping habits. So far, it looks like we've accidentally had Evan on something sort of similar, but I'd definitely like to get him on good, more predictable routine so that he starts sleeping longer at night. HA! I've only skimmed the book so far, but I'm unclear on when activities like errands or walks are supposed to occur--I would think in the "activity" period, but if he falls asleep would it count as a nap? Who knows. I realize parenting books can only help so much, but it looks like there is some decent advice in there. And we really want Evan to be a good sleeper for the long haul.
Taken Friday:

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