Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We survived our trip to Michigan! It was tiring, but fun, and I'll post more about that soon. 

I took Evan to the pedi yesterday for his worsening eczema and random rashes. The doctor prescribed 2 strong steroid creams and suggested we give him Benadryl at bedtime. If he doesn't improve in a couple of weeks, he will probably be referred to a pediatric dermatologist. There was a little talk of him possibly needing to switch back to the Alimentum formula in case of a milk allergy. Or the possibility of other food allergies. I really doubt it (there is no family history and he hasn't had many solids yet), but it's something to consider if it continues. Poor guy. He's been such a trouper, but I know it must really be itching and bothering him.

Oh, and Evan also has a mild virus, which appears to have manifested as conjunctivitis. He has oodles of eye junk and just generally seems under the weather. Unfortunately, I appear to be getting sick, too. Sucky. I rarely get sick and can't remember the last time I had a cold. So this is a surprise. I'm hoping it's mild and I kick it fast. 

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy 08.08.08!

In honor of the 2008 Olympic Games, I took this picture:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On a Scale of 1-10, Avocado is Icky

Well, the verdict on avocado is a big "ewwww." Evan is not a guac fan, I guess. So today I'm moving on to banana. He'll have to like that, right? I'm also keeping an Excel spreadsheet with the different foods so that I can keep track of what he's tried and how well (or not as is the case so far) he liked them. Otherwise I'll never remember. 

He's napping now, so I need to work on getting my house clean. We are headed to MI on Saturday (his first plane ride!) and an old high school friend is dropping by Friday night. So I have to clean, pack, and generally get everything organized for people, pets, and baby in the next two days. Lots to do!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Veggie Tales

The high chair is here! After MUCH research and discussion, we opted to get the Boon Flair chair. It has a pneumatic lift, a removable tray (which allows it to pull right up to the table), and is extremely easy to clean. Plus, it looks cool. And Boon is a great company who gives part of their proceeds to charity.

Here is the chair:

Evan has finally started eating solids! We started with rice cereal, which...ew, and then moved on to oatmeal. He seems to tolerate it a bit more.

Checking out his oatmeal-covered spoon:

Last Tuesday, I made butternut squash for his first veggie. It was really quite easy, considering I'm not a cook. I used this super-cool babyfood maker called the Beaba Babycook. It's an all-in-one steamer/defroster/blender.

Baked squash (oops, failed to remove the stickers):

Pureed squash:

Squash face:

Evan really isn't crazy about squash yet, so I froze the remainder and will try again at a later date. Next up is avocado, which should be really easy because no cooking is involved. Then probably sweet potatoes or carrots.

I'm pretty sure I won't be making all of Evan's baby food, but there is no reason I can't at least make some of it. We'll see!