Apparently, this is some of the fun crawling brings...
Now that he is mobile, Evan won't lay still for diaper changes and he just had a poop blowout. I managed to get his outfit off and his onesie over his legs without too much poop spreadage, but then OMG. He twisted, he rolled, he sat up, and he started crawling away while the poop was everywhere hanging off his butt and on his belly, back, and penis. He layed in it, sat in it, and it went everywhere. All while screaming because I was trying to contain him and hold his legs by the ankles. I couldn't get him to be still enough to wipe it up in any efficient way and the wipes were flying, landing on my newly shampooed carpet. I finally got him relatively clean and chased a naked baby around the room trying to re-diaper him. I managed to get a new diaper on him while he was on all fours, so it's cockeyed.
I'm exhausted. I think 3 people would have had a tough time with this one. Good times. :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
He's on the move!
We have an "official" crawler! And to make life extra interesting for us, Evan has also learned to sit up from laying/tummy position AND pull up in his crib. All in the last few days. Naps and sleep have gone to hell. He is TROUBLE! Guess we really need to babyproof now. ;)
On a side note, I'm having issues with my computer's memory and until I resolve it (or get a new laptop), won't be able to do much with pictures. I have about 893642 new ones just waiting to be uploaded. I hate technological limitations.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Zamboni: 1996-2008
Sadly, we had to put our sweet Zamboni to sleep last Friday night. He had rapidly declined over the past week and we knew it was time to intervene before he began suffering. I'm thankful Dave was able to be with me before he left for Hawaii and grateful we were both with him at the end. We are so sad and the house seems so empty without little Zammer. I miss him so much. He was the best kitty. Now he is with Wylie in kitty heaven, chasing mice, schnapping on pink blankets, and enjoying all of the water he wants.

I plan to do a larger post with more pictures soon.

Zamboni: July 1996-September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
U of M Photoshoot
We took Evan back to Picture People last week for some new pictures since he was still unable to sit at his 6 month appointment. We opted to do a U of M theme, just in time for the football season. He was fussy at the session, so it was a bear to get a smile, but they are rather cute. Here are the 3 pictures we purchased:

Go Blue!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Shiny new shopping cart cover
Well, I didn't kick the cold fast. In fact, it kinda kicked my ass for more nearly two weeks. But I'm finally in recovery mode and now have a ton of catch up to do. It's nice to take some time to rest and heal, but payback can be a bitch. I'm now knee deep in housework, emails, blogs, pictures, shopping, etc. Bummer.

On a different note, Evan's shopping cart/high chair cover arrived! I ordered it from Kozypal, an online site that creates cool custom covers. I love it! It's very padded and thick and the fabric is fun. It looks extremely comfy. We tried it out for the first time at Carrabba's on Saturday and Evan did quite well. The cover has loops that can be used to attach toys, which was very handy. Evan happily sucked on his rings and spoon for most of the meal, freeing us up to actually eat with both hands for the first time in months. Woo! And then yesterday, I took Evan to Target and tried it out in the cart. He was fascinated with being up high in the cart and seemed to love the new vantage point. It was so nice to shop without a huge fear he would start fussing. I'm hoping the novelty doesn't wear off anytime soon. *fingers crossed*
Evan at Carrabba's:

Evan at Target:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We survived our trip to Michigan! It was tiring, but fun, and I'll post more about that soon.
I took Evan to the pedi yesterday for his worsening eczema and random rashes. The doctor prescribed 2 strong steroid creams and suggested we give him Benadryl at bedtime. If he doesn't improve in a couple of weeks, he will probably be referred to a pediatric dermatologist. There was a little talk of him possibly needing to switch back to the Alimentum formula in case of a milk allergy. Or the possibility of other food allergies. I really doubt it (there is no family history and he hasn't had many solids yet), but it's something to consider if it continues. Poor guy. He's been such a trouper, but I know it must really be itching and bothering him.
Oh, and Evan also has a mild virus, which appears to have manifested as conjunctivitis. He has oodles of eye junk and just generally seems under the weather. Unfortunately, I appear to be getting sick, too. Sucky. I rarely get sick and can't remember the last time I had a cold. So this is a surprise. I'm hoping it's mild and I kick it fast.
Friday, August 8, 2008
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